Thursday 27 January
First presentation: “Individuals and social settings in research on social activism” (Prof. Paul Lichterman – University of Southern California, Los Angeles). 8:00 (LA time); 10:00 (Colombian time); 17:00 (French time).
Second presentation: “Individual activism in collective dynamics: reflections on methodological approaches to practices of political resistance” (Prof. Virginie Laurent – Universidad de los Andes – Colombia). 9:00 (LA time); 11:00 (Colombian time); 18:00 (French time).
Third presentation: “Another Post on the Wall? Reconstructing the Trajectories of Egyptian Revolutionaries Through Social Media Traces and Biographical Interviews”. (Youssef El Chazli – Université Paris-8, Vincennes Saint-Denis) (10:00 (LA time); 12:00 (Colombian time); 19:00 (French time).
Friday 28 January
First presentation: “It’s about time and space. The sociology of activist careers in an interactionist perspective” (Prof. Olivier Fillieule – Université de Lausanne). 8:00 (LA time); 10:00 (Colombian time); 17:00 (French Time).
Second presentation: “Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and radicalization” (Prof. Carlos Ramírez – Universidad de los Andes, Colombia). 9:00 (LA time); 11:00 (Colombian time); 18:00 (French time).
Third presentation: “Commanders as Educators: a biographical approach to the politics of the educational practices in the FARC-EP guerrilla group” (Prof. Ingrid Bolívar – Universidad de los Andes, Colombia). 10:00 (LA time); 12:00 (Colombian time); 19:00 (French time).
Moderator: Dr. Paul Chambers.
Free access event

Youssef El-Chazli
Université Paris-8, Vincennes Saint-Denis

Paul Lichterman
University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Olivier Fillieule
Université de Lausanne