William Jiménez es Psicólogo y Magíster en Filosofía de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, y Ph.D. en Psicología Cognitiva de la University Of Warwick. Además, realizó una estancia posdoctoral en Ciencias Cognitivas, Lingüísticas y Psicológicas en Brown University.
Actualmente, es profesor asociado del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de los Andes. Sus principales líneas de investigación son lenguaje y cognición, pensamiento causal y contrafáctico, razonamiento moral y metodologías de investigación estadística y probabilística.
William dirige el laboratorio y semillero de Cognición y prácticas de aprendizaje y co-dirije, junto a Santiago Amaya, de Filosofía, el Laboratorio de emociones y juicios morales.
Psicólogo. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Colombia, 2001
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology. The University of Warwick, Gran Bretaña, 2008
Razonamiento moral
Lenguaje y cognición
Pensamiento causal y contrafáctico
Practicas de ciencia abierta
Off the rails: moral psychology beyond traditional borders
Rabia moral y sus determinantes
Inferencias de juicios de carácter a partir de acciones morales
– Procesamiento de languaje natural acerca de expresiones morales en twitter
Laboratorio y Semillero de Cognición.
Laboratorio de emociones y juicios morales.
Grupo de cognición y prácticas de aprendizaje (categoría a1)
Publicaciones académicas más recientes:
Naismith, I., Jiménez-Leal, W., Pople, A., & Holmes, E. A. Validation of the Hispanic American version of the Plymouth Sensory Imagery Questionnaire (Psi-Q): A culturally adapted measure of mental imagery. Revista Colombiana de Psicología. En prensa
Raymond, L., William, H. B. McAuliffe, Flake, J. K., Santos, A. C., Findor, A., Kuzminska, A. O., Lantian, A., Özdoğru, A. A., Aczel, B., Chartier, C. R., Hidding, J., de Grefte, A. M., Protzko, J., Shaw, M., Leliveld, M. C., Hruška, M., Primbs, M. A., Coles, N. A., Arriaga, P., Forscher, P. S., Lewis, S. C., Nagy, T., de Vries, W. C., Jimenez-Leal W., & Li, Y. Structural Validity Evidence for the Oxford Utilitarianism Scale Across 14 Languages: Psychological Test Adaptation and Development. En prensa
Bago, B., Kovacs, M., Protzko, J., Nagy, T., Kekecs, Z., Palfi, B., … & Matibag, C. J. (2022). Situational factors shape moral judgements in the trolley dilemma in Eastern, Southern and Western countries in a culturally diverse sample (April, 10.1038/s41562-022-01319-5, 2022). NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR, 6(6), 897-898
Dorison, C.A., Lerner, J.S., Heller, B.H. et al. In COVID-19 Health Messaging, Loss Framing Increases Anxiety with Little-to-No Concomitant Benefits: Experimental Evidence from 84 Countries. Affec Sci 3, 577–602 (2022).
Legate-Thuy, N., Nguyen, N., Weinstein, A., Moller, L., Legault, Z., Vally, Z.,Tajchman, A., Zsido, M., Zrimsek, Z., ChenIgnazio Z. Z., Gialitaki, C. D., Ceary, Y., Jang, Y., Lin, Y., Kunisato, Y., Yamada, Q., XiaoXiaoming, J. X., Du E., Yao, W. S. Ryan, J., Paul W., Cyrus, L., & Jimenez-Leal, W. (2022). A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. PNAS, 119(22),
Jiménez-Leal, W. & Cortissoz-Mora, C. (2021). What is Moral about Moral Outrage?. SSN.
Wang, K., Goldenberg, A., Dorison, C.A. et al. (2021). A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nat Hum Behav 5, 1089–1110.
Ingram, G., Chuquichambi, E. G., Jimenez-Leal, W., & Olivera-LaRosa, A. (2021). In Masks we Trust: Explicit and Implicit Reactions to Masked Faces Vary by Political Orientation.
Gantiva, C., Jimenez-Leal, W., & Urriago-Rayo, J. (2021). Framing Messages to Deal With the COVID-19 Crisis: The Role of Loss/Gain Frames and Content. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 (-), pp. 568201-568212.
Montealegre, A., & Jimenez-Leal, W. (2021). The role of trust in the social heuristics hypothesis (vol 14, e0216329, 2019). PLOS ONE, 16(1).
Montealegre A, Jimenez-Leal W (2021) Correction: The role of trust in the social heuristics hypothesis. PLoS ONE 16(1): e0241069.
Ebersole, C. R., Mathur, M. B., Baranski, E, et al. Many Labs 5: Testing Pre-Data-Collection Peer Review as an Intervention to Increase Replicability. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. 2020;3(3):309-331. doi:10.1177/2515245920958687
Skorb, L., Aczel, B., Bakos, B. E., et al. Many Labs 5: Replication of van Dijk, van Kleef, Steinel, and van Beest (2008). Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. 2020;3(3):418-428. doi:10.1177/2515245920927643
Ordoñez-Pinilla, C. y Jiménez-Leal, J. (2020). Watching the Watchmen – Why Vigilance Fails as a Cognitive Explanation of Honest and Dishonest Behavior. SSRN,
Brandt, M. J. Et al. (2020). Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50(5),
Landy, J. F., Jia, M. (L.), Ding, I. L., Viganola, D., Tierney, W., Dreber, A., Johannesson, M., Pfeiffer, T., Ebersole, C. R., Gronau, Q. F., Ly, A., van den Bergh, D., Marsman, M., Derks, K., Wagenmakers, E.-J., Proctor, A., Bartels, D. M., Bauman, C. W., Brady, W. J., . . . Uhlmann, E. L. (2020). Crowdsourcing hypothesis tests: Making transparent how design choices shape research results. Psychological Bulletin, 146(5), 451–479.
Jimenez-Leal, W., Murray, S., Amaya, S., & Barbosa, S. (2020, February 25). Beyond good and bad: Varieties of moral judgment.
Barbosa, S. & Jiménez-Leal, W. (2020). Virtues disunited and the folk psychology of character, Philosophical Psychology, 33:3, 332-350, DOI: 10.1080/09515089.2020.1719396
Salcedo, J. C. & Jiménez-Leal, W. (2019). So, It’s Pricier Than Before, but Why? Price Increase Justifications Influence Risky Decision Making and Emotional Response, Front. Psychol,
Montealegre, A., Jimenez-Leal, W. (2019) The role of trust in the social heuristics hypothesis. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216329.
Barbosa de la Torre, S., Jiménez-Leal, W., Caicedo, J. C., Martínez, J. y Aponte-Canencio, D. (2019). Emotional Categorization of the International Affective Picture System in a Colombian Sample, Psykhe,
Naismith, I., Ferro, C.D., Ingram, G., Leal, W.J. (2019). Compassion-focused imagery reduces shame and is moderated by shame, self-reassurance and multisensory imagery vividness. Res Psychother. 22(1), doi: 10.4081/ripppo.2019.329. PMID: 32913776
Barbosa de la Torre, S., Jiménez-Leal, W., Caicedo, J. C., Martínez, J. y Aponte-Canencio, D. (2019). Emotional Categorization of the International Affective Picture System in a Colombian Sample. Psykhe, 28(1),
Klein, R. A., Vianello, M., Hasselman, F., Adams, B. G., Adams Jr, R. B., Alper, S., … & Kurtz, J. (2018). Many labs 2: Investigating variation in replicability across samples and settings. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 1 (4), 443–490.
Estévez-Mujica, C.P., Acero, A., Jiménez-Leal, W., & Garcia-Diaz C. (2018) The Influence of Homophilous Interactions on Diversity Effects in Group Problem-Solving. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, pp 77-102.