Su objetivo es crear una red interdisciplinaria de académicos que estén utilizando el pensamiento de Rancière para iluminar aspectos de la política y cultura latinoamericanas contemporáneas y así romper barreras disciplinarias y geográficas.
Rancière y América Latina: Un diálogo sobre la política, cultural y lucha social
University of Stirling (Campus Central 3.04) y En línea via MS Teams (haga click para abrir)
Un evento financiado por la Society of Latin American Studies (SLAS)
Día 1: Viernes 19 de abril
14.00-14.30: Bienvenida (Comité organizador)
14.30-16.00: Panel I (Modera: Eamon McCarthy, University of Stirling)
Silvia L. López (Carleton College): “Inhotim: the modern regime of Art in Brazil”
Joséphine Foucher (University of Edinburgh): “Revelations of the aesthetic experience: Artistic creation under constraint in contemporary Cuba”
Catalina Cortés Severino (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universitá di Siena): “Estéticas del cuidado, nichos donde brotan otras formas de decir y hacer el mundo”
16:00-16:30: Pausa café
16:30-18:00: Panel II (Modera: Rebecca de Souza, University of Stirling)
Luisa de Mesquita (Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro): “Fannish belonging and political possibilities through Rancière’s distribution of the sensible”
Martyn Wemyss (Goldmiths, University of London): “Aesthetics of Pluriversal Justice in the Plurinational State of Bolivia: Distributing the just among worlds”
Tamara Hernández Araya (Utrecht University): “Party Politics: Festive Protests, Indigenous Citizenship and the Fight for Recognition”
18:00-18:30: Pausa café
18:30-19:30: Sesión plenaria (Modera: Peter Baker, University of Stirling)
Laura Quintana (Universidad de los Andes Bogotá): “Rethinking emancipation in/for the time that remains” / “Repensar la emancipación en/para el tiempo que queda”.
Día 2: Sábado 20 de abril
14:00-15:15: Panel III (Modera: Peter Baker, University of Stirling)
Santiago Vargas-Acevedo (University of Cambridge): “The people against the people (El pueblo contra la gente). On the two possible ways of saying people in Spanish and its implications”
Sebastián Barros and Mercedes Barros (CONICET, University of Essex): Rancière and Latin American Populism
15:15-15:45: Pausa café
15:45-17:30: Panel IV (Modera: Martyn Wemyss, Goldsmiths, University of London)
Sarah Bowskill (Queens University Belfast): “Mexican Literary Canon and/as a Redistribution of the Sensible”
Ricki O’Rawe (Queens University Belfast): “Jacques Rancière as a Theorist of lo fantástico”
Peter Baker and Elcira Quintero Leyva (University of Stirling, Université de Cergy Paris): “Rancière y el cine autóctono de Abya Yala”
17:30-18:00: Pausa café
18:00-19:00: Panel V (Modera: Peter Baker, University of Stirling)
Christian Julián Fajardo (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá): “Jacques Rancière y su crítica a la violencia colonial de la filosofía política”
Jonathan Alderman (University of St Andrews): “’Disagreement’ over being Kallawaya in plurinational Bolivia”
19:00-20:00: Mesa redonda (Modera: Comité organizado)
Rancière and Latin America: A Dialogue on Politics, Culture, and Social Struggle
University of Stirling (Campus Central 3.04) and Online via MS Teams (click link to open)
A funded event of the Society of Latin American Studies (SLAS)
Day 1: Friday April 19
14.00-14.30: Welcome address (Organizing Committee)
14.30-16.00: Panel I (Chair: Eamon McCarthy, University of Stirling)
Silvia L. López (Carleton College): “Inhotim: the modern regime of Art in Brazil”
Joséphine Foucher (University of Edinburgh): “Revelations of the aesthetic experience: Artistic creation under constraint in contemporary Cuba”
Catalina Cortés Severino (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universitá di Siena): “Estéticas del cuidado, nichos donde brotan otras formas de decir y hacer el mundo”
16:00-16:30: Tea/Coffee break
16:30-18:00: Panel II (Chair: Rebecca de Souza, University of Stirling)
Luisa de Mesquita (Pontifical University of Rio de Janeiro): “Fannish belonging and political possibilities through Rancière’s distribution of the sensible”
Martyn Wemyss (Goldmiths, University of London): “Aesthetics of Pluriversal Justice in the Plurinational State of Bolivia: Distributing the just among worlds”
Tamara Hernández Araya (Utrecht University): “Party Politics: Festive Protests, Indigenous Citizenship and the Fight for Recognition”
18:00-18:30: Tea/coffee break
18:30-19:30: Keynote speech (Chair: Peter Baker, University of Stirling)
Laura Quintana (Universidad de los Andes Bogotá): “Rethinking emancipation in/for the time that remains” / “Repensar la emancipación en/para el tiempo que queda”.
Day 2: Saturday April 20
14:00-15:15: Panel III (Chair: Peter Baker, University of Stirling)
Santiago Vargas-Acevedo (University of Cambridge): “The people against the people (El pueblo contra la gente). On the two possible ways of saying people in Spanish and its implications”
Sebastián Barros and Mercedes Barros (CONICET, University of Essex): Rancière and Latin American Populism
15:15-15:45: Tea/Coffee break
15:45-17:30: Panel IV (Chair: Martyn Wemyss, Goldsmiths, University of London)
Sarah Bowskill (Queens University Belfast): “Mexican Literary Canon and/as a Redistribution of the Sensible”
Ricki O’Rawe (Queens University Belfast): “Jacques Rancière as a Theorist of lo fantástico”
Peter Baker and Elcira Quintero Leyva (University of Stirling, Université de Cergy Paris): “Rancière y el cine autóctono de Abya Yala”
17:30-18:00: Tea/Coffee break
18:00-19:00: Panel V (Chair: Peter Baker, University of Stirling)
Christian Julián Fajardo (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogotá): “Jacques Rancière y su crítica a la violencia colonial de la filosofía política”
Jonathan Alderman (University of St Andrews): “’Disagreement’ over being Kallawaya in plurinational Bolivia”
19:00-20:00: Roundtable (Chairs: Organising Committee)